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Lançamento  02/11/2020

  • Home section : In Products widgets with Card template, fixed an issue that caused left alignment not working. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section : You can now add your own CSS in widgets HTML by adding a JSON property customCss. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 

Lançamento  30/10/2020

  • Home section : In widget events with Card or Split templates, fixed an issue that caused the date of the event being displayed instead of the location. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  29/10/2020

  • Authentication add-on : In the push settings page, the list of push settings is now sorted alphabetically. 
  • Users groups add-on : The search results are not displayed anymore if the user doesn't have access to the searched content. 
  • Map section : Ads are now displayed in both list & detail views. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Authentication add-on : In the push settings page, the list of push settings is now sorted alphabetically. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Checkout page : Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application. 
  • You can now set in the backoffice if your app is targeted to kids. In this case, your app will not have any stats services, ads services, Facebook & Twitter login or chat section. 
  • Background location removed, unless the geofence add-on is added 

Lançamento  26/10/2020

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the link sent with the push notification not working. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Authentication add-on : Fixed an issue that could cause the user being logged out when launching the app again. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Products list section : Fixed an issue that caused the add to cart button being displayed with wrong colors. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  23/10/2020

  • Authentication add-on: Fixed an issue that could cause users being logged out when the app is launched. 

Lançamento  22/10/2020

  • Home section : In widget HTML, fixed an issue that caused all relative URL not being interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Checkout page : Fixed an issue that could cause the shipping method list not being updated on address change. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Checkout page : Fixed an issue that could cause the payment button being stuck on infinite loading. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  21/10/2020

  • Form section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations. 
  • Internal ad network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused banners not being displayed with the right size. 

Lançamento  20/10/2020

  • Live video add-on: Fixed an issue that caused the sound playing not being stopped when the video starts to play. 
  • Community add-on: Fixed an issue that caused the filter icon of the search user page being blurry. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Event section : Fixed an issue that caused the buttons in the list being cut. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  19/10/2020

  • Home section : Fixed an issue that caused widgets Navigation with template Big Slideshow not being displayed on tablet & desktop devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Bookmarks section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations. 

Lançamento  16/10/2020

  • Fixed a scroll issue that only occurs on iOS 12.1 devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Google AMP add-on : Some validation issues have been fixed. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Lançamento  14/10/2020

  • Bag section : Fixed an issue that caused the edit button not being displayed in the header. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • It is now possible to create a link to a product using its URL from the home page or a blog post for instance 

Lançamento  13/10/2020

  • Internal ad network add-on: Fixed an issue that caused the Widget Ads image displayed with the wrong size. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  12/10/2020

  • Event section : Fixed an issue that could cause the date not being displayed in the bullet. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Internal ad network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused widget ads not being displayed on iPad. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Authentication add-on : Fixed a display issue on the Sign Up button. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Event section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations 

Lançamento  08/10/2020

  • TabBar navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused a back button being displayed into the header of the Other tab. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  07/10/2020

  • Sound section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations. 
  • Photo section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations. 
  • About section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations.  

Lançamento  06/10/2020

  • Internal ad network : Fixed an issue that could cause the ad banner not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  05/10/2020

  • Article section : In detail view, fixed an issue that could cause some images not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  01/10/2020

  • Live+ add-on: Fixed an issue that could cause current song information not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Authentication add-on : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when the user was clicking on the logout button. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Video section : UI Accessibility has been improved following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations.  
  • Login page : Fixed an issue that caused errors on register not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Fixed an issue that caused some links not working in the app. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  30/09/2020

  • Live+ add-on : Fixed an issue that could cause songs information not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Menu section : In template 3 on tablet devices, fixed an issue that caused the section not being displayed on the whole screen. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  29/09/2020

  • Internal ad network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused interstitial ads not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Improved UI Accessibility following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations. 

Lançamento  28/09/2020

  • For all podcast lovers, discover the new detail template as well as the brand new player for your apps. 
  • Article section : Improved UI Accessibility following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations. 

Lançamento  24/09/2020

  • Product detail page : Fixed an issue that caused a 404 page when clicking on a product link that has been shared on Facebook. 

Lançamento  23/09/2020

  • Internal Ad network add-on : Banner sizes have been optimised for new iPhone devices. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Product detail page : Fixed an issue that caused video embed not being displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Lançamento  21/09/2020

  • Live Radio add-on : Now when you click on pause the live is not buffering anymore. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 

Lançamento  18/09/2020

  • Chat add-on : In the conversation page, fixed an issue that caused the user name not being displayed in the header. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section : In widgets social links, we now open the links in the external browser by default. 
  • Search section : Now you can go back to the correct search result page when navigating back from a product detail view. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA