Events callbacks are called by your plugin as a function of the App Lifecycle and the user's actions (when content is shown, when the app goes into background mode or is retrieved from background mode, etc.)

They are designed to help you manage the display of your content at the right time. Even if they are not useful all the time, it is nevertheless recommended to implement them to optimize the user experience.



Callback : gbAppWillEnterBackground

The callback gbAppWillEnterBackground is called when app goes into background mode.

Example of implementation:

function gbAppWillEnterBackground()
    // Do something


Callback : gbAppDidBecomeActive

The callback gbAppDidBecomeActive is called when the app comes back from background mode.

Example of implementation:
function gbAppDidBecomeActive()
    // Do something


Callback : gbPluginDidLoad

The callback gbPluginDidLoad is called when the plugin finishes loading.

Example of implementation :
function gbPluginDidLoad()
    // Do something


Callback : gbViewDidLoad

The callback gbViewDidLoad is called when the current view finishes downloading.

Implementation example:
function gbViewDidLoad()
    // Do something


Callback : gbViewWillAppear

The callback gbViewWillAppear is called just before the current view is displayed on the screen.

Implementation example:
function gbViewWillAppear()
    // Do something


Callback : gbViewDidAppear

The callback gbViewDidAppear is called just after the current view is displayed on the screen.

Implementation example:
function gbViewDidAppear()
    // Do something


Callback : gbViewWillDisappear

The callback  gbViewWillDisapper is called just before the current view disappears from the screen.

Implementation example:
function gbViewWillDisappear()
    // Do something


Callback : gbViewDidDisappear

The callback gbViewDidDisappear is called just after the current view disappears from the screen.

Implementation example :
function gbViewDidDisappear()
    // Do something

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